Predicting reinforced concrete response to blast loads



Computer software was developed for inelastic analysis of structural members subjected to blast-induced shock waves. The software can predict the dynamic response of structural elements, provided the load–deformation characteristics are defined. The software has built-in capabilities to generate the load–deformation characteristics of common structural and non-structural members. Currently this capability includes reinforced concrete columns, one-way walls, beams, and one-way slabs. The input consists of member geometry, boundary conditions, dynamic material properties, explosive threat parameters, and desired performance levels. The results are presented in graphical format in terms of structural load–deformation characteristics, single degree of freedom displacement – time histories and iso-displacement pressure–impulse diagrams. The program was verified extensively using experimental data generated from simulated explosive loading of reinforced concrete members at the University of Ottawa shock tube testing facility. The shock tube has been shown to generate a wide range of pressure–impulse combinations, accurately simulating free-field detonation of high explosives of various mass and standoff distances.

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Special Issue on “Innovation and IT”, Vol. 40, No. 5, pg. 427-444